How do status change alerts work?
OpenTrack's event-based alerts allow you to receive timely notifications about crucial status changes for your containers. This feature helps you stay on top of your shipments and take quick action when needed.
Here's how it works:
You set up a filter for specific status changes you want to monitor.
OpenTrack constantly monitors for these changes.
If any containers have a matching status change, you receive an email alert.
If no containers match, you don’t receive an email, keeping your inbox clutter-free.
This system ensures you're informed about key operational events as they happen.
See an example in action
To see how to enable status change alerts with a step-by-step tour, click the button below:
How do I set up status change alerts?
Follow these steps to start receiving status change notifications:
Step 1: Create your filtered report
First, create a view that filters for the status changes you want to monitor. For example, you might want to know when containers change to "Available" status.
Select the Status filter
Click on "is" and change it to "Recently changed to"
Select your target status(es)
Step 2: Save the report
Once you've set up your filters, click the Save button in the top right to save it to your My Reports folder.
Give your view a descriptive name like "Outgate Alert".
Step 3: Activate hourly email notifications
Click the Email button in the top right, then click the toggle to activate email notifications.
Set the frequency to Hourly and add any additional recipients if needed.
Don’t worry, you won’t receive any empty emails (if there are no results). This ensures your inbox is not cluttered with unnecessary notifications.
Step 4: Stay informed and act quickly
Now you'll receive an email alert every hour when containers match your specified criteria. This allows you to:
Respond promptly to important status changes
Prioritize your workflow based on real-time updates
Avoid delays by addressing issues as soon as they arise
Customizing your alerts
You can create multiple event-based alerts for different scenarios. For example:
Receive an alert when containers are available for pickup
Be notified when containers are outgated
Get a notification when a hot container changes its status
We hope you can leverage this to manage your shipments more efficiently. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us for help creating your ideal monitoring setup.